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You can't keep people away from infinity.
Alejandro Babbage

Alejandro Babbage is a franchise member that is encountered within the Cherry Village in Downtown Olathe, alongisde Jessie Mack and Senyor Keister.


If Alex and Joel approach Babbage's side, he will shift his head and stare at them. If they continue, Jessie and Senyor will move to stand alongside Babbage, commencing their battle.


Alejandro will spend his first phase repeatedly using the move "Feel The Hurt", which deals 75 damage to himself. After Alejandro deals his second blow, he gains the Bleed state, and shifts into his potent, dangerous second phase.

During his 2nd phasse, Babbage has a high chance of unleashing a devastating finger beam attack every two turns. Occasionally, he may skip using a finger beam to use one of his other skills, including Feel The Hurt, and is more vulnerable to being Stunned.


See: Jessie Mack#Strategy
