The Pointless Wiki

The Cellophane Communion is a suicidal cult found in Garbage Island that embraces the inevitable death of its members, encouraging self-asphyxiation through the use of cellophane bags in order to 'become garbage'.


The primary tenets of the Cellophane Communion center around the reverence of trash. Mutatis Mutandis compares Garbage Island to 'heaven', and Louie Versace encourages suicide via cellophane bag by distributing them freely. Percy Sveridool & Ben Nowish exclusively trade for garbage, and individuals such as Brown Raja devote themselves to scavenging for it. The love for trash stems from the pre-Flash pseudo-disorder known as Garbage Insanity which still manages to proliferate itself in the world through people like the Versaces who actively attempt to naturalize it.

Additionally, members of the Cellophane Communion promote the stagnation of society through lethargic inactivity, and resist any attempt to change their living conditions out of a hopeless belief that what they currently have is the best that can ever be attained. Simply put, those in the Cellophane Communion do not change their life because they do not think it can get better - not to say that they think their current way of life is supreme and perfect, rather that they feel it cannot improve.


While the Cellophane Communion is almost exclusively based in Garbage Island, there is a smaller sect of the cult present in the City.[1]

